Sweet and Mild Onions
Yellow Granex Super Sweet
(100 days from transplant)
For Short Day Areas
Plants are shipped directly from the grower, depending on your climate zone and transit weather conditions, beginning in January through April or early May.
Shipping Schedule | Planting GuideSweet and Mild Onions
Yellow Granex Super Sweet
This is the really sweet variety grown in both Vidalia, Georgia and Maui, Hawaii, then marketed by those place names as Vidalia or Maui onions. These semi-flattened, big, fat, crispy hybrid onions are so mild that you can eat them out of hand. Juicy slices are really scrumptious on burgers.
Our grower ships over 100 million of these plants to be transplanted in Vidalia every year. While they may not grow as sweet in your own garden soil, you're sure to enjoy them. With their paper thin skins, these onions keep for only up to a month, but by that time they'll be all gone!
5 dozen plants